Aus. Geothermal System Org.


Housing the largest geothermal system in Australia, the Australian Geological Survey Organisation (AGSO) building demonstrates the principles of Ecological Sustainable Development (ESD) endorsed by the Department of Primary Industries and Energy.

This building was purpose-designed to contain various environmental features including the air conditioning system which incorporates the
largest geothermal heat pump system in Australia.

The geothermal system capitalises on the Earth’s moderate temperature. Water is circulated through pipes buried beneath the Earth’s surface. In winter the water collects heat from the Earth and carries it through the system into the building. In summer the system reverses to pull heat from the building and transfer it to the Earth.

These features are designed to significantly improve the efficiency of building energy consumption consistent with overall ESD objectives.

Download the Project PDF
  • Client
  • Baulderstone Hornibrook
  • Building value
  • $160 million
  • Location
  • Canberra
  • Year
  • 1997